Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Inside Hitler's Head

One of the interesting things about Hitler is how open he was about his prejudices, his plans to take power and his goals once in power. However, despite openly writing about the superiority of the Aryan race, the inability of the masses to think for themselves, the need for Germany to annex its neighbors and the dehumanization of Jews people continued to misjudge and underestimate Hitler.

SO the question becomes if Hitler was open about his intentions, aggressive in his language and rascist in his beliefs why did people follow him?

Imagine you are an employer and Adolf Hitler has applied to work for your company. During your reference check process you have discovered the following websites http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/GERmein.htm and http://www.historylearningsite.co.uk/Adolf_Hiter_Mein_Kampf.htm

Explore these sites and construct a fictional letter to Mr. Hitler regarding his application citing some of the reasons he may or may not be suitable for a position within your organization. Post your letter as a comment on this blog (be sure to put your intials at the end).


Anonymous said...

Adolf Hitler
It saddens me to inform you that you will not be hired for this most prestigious and honourable of all honorable jobs. That is to teach in my Hebrew school on the weekends. I fear that we disagree on too many key issues that may arise from you working here. Such as you trying to end my people....
Sincerely yours jp

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr.Hitler i was looking at some background information on you and I found that you were charged for treason during something called the beer hall putsch. It also says you are part of a group called the National Socialist Party, this is quite a profile so far. I read this Mein Kampf of yours and I couldn't help but notice that you hated Jews. I am sorry to inform you but this letter is being sent to say that we can not accept you here at Walmart. It is not that your experience quite unorthodox it is simply on a matter that your profile does not suit our needs, your background information does not saying anything good about you. We regret to inform you Mr.Hitler but this was a huge waste of your time, your going to have to try somewhere else. because it wont work here. C.M.

Anonymous said...

Adolf Hitler,
Thank you for your recent application at Wal-Mart. We have reviewed over your application and you have the right skills and techniques to work as a manager. We thought you have what it takes to be a leader but reviewing your previous history we are sorry but to decline you from this job. With research we see that you have been sentenced to jail for 5 years. This isn’t what we want our employees having as a background; we don’t want any troubled individuals. Also here in Wal-Mart we have some workers that are Jewish and with you not liking the Jews, it wouldn’t be a good fit. We don’t want you coming in here as a manager and firing some of our harder working employees just because of their religion. We also know by checking your Facebook that you are quite the charmer and like the media attention. We would rather not have the cameras here in our store and would much rather a safe environment for our employees. We feel that with too many distractions people will not shop here and we will start to lose money. Our last reason for not giving you this job is that we know how good you are at manipulating people’s minds and how easy it can be for you to take over this company. So as owner of this store I decline your application, but I wish you good luck in the future with your troubles. If you are that desperate though we do have a janitor job for you that you may like.

Anonymous said...

Dear Adolf Hitler:

I have read your resume and did a research on your background, I am sad to say I can not grant your position as a police officer. I found out that you were arrested once under the charge of treason for starting the Beer Hall Putch. Due to the nature of the position you are applying, we can not hire you due to your criminal background. I have also read your book "Mein Krampf", I was horrified by the contents of it. They are full of hatred toward the Jewish People. The accusation toward the Jewish group are extremely biased. If we hire you, we worry that you might abuse you power to torment the Jewish Population. However, I personal know a lot of great psychologist, I can leave you with their phone numbers and you can talk with them to work out your issues.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Hitler,

I regret to inform you that I will not be accepting your application to babysit my children. I am a little skeptical of hiring an ex-con with a loathsome attitude towards people of ethnic background to watch my children while I am at work. Quite frankly when I looked up your history and found out about the Beerhall Putsch and Mein Kampf I immdediately knew that you were not the man for the job as I do not feel safe leaving you with my Fijian kids. Hopefully you are able to find work somewhere.


PS. Try an exterminator... I think you would be good at that...

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Adolf Hitler,

It is our regret to inform you that your recent job application at Superstore has been rejected. We do not take ex-prisoners or those who believe they are of a higher superiority than all other. We have many Jewish people working here with us, and I do not wish to find them dead in our deep freezes. I plan to keep our store under my personal control, and not that of a German leader. I prefer to have a safe and friendly environment for all our workers. The contents of your book Mein Kampf are very disturbing and distrusting. Do not come to our store.


Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Hitler,

We have thoroughly looked through your application for “Greeter” at Wal*Mart in Prince George. We are sorry to deny the application as we have done a back ground check and some things are just do not match up with our motto, or our cheer which I will attach to the bottom of this letter. Some things that we have found are your “Mein Kampf” which states that this “Aryan” race is superior to everyone else makes us believe you will not greet every Wal*Mart with an enthusiastic “Hello!”. As here at Wal*Mart we treat everyone equal. Also another red flag that popped up was your hate of the Jewish race, we think this could come out in your greetings, making some seem insincere. Yet another red flag is that you were found guilty of treason and that on your application you put a check in the box of clean criminal record, which was in fact a lie. We don’t like liars. We also get the feeling that you may try and take over Wal*Mart, mainly from this exert "Only an adequate large space on this earth assures a nation freedom of existence." Wal*Mart is part of that earth, and it will not be taken over. We hope you take this rejection as a place to grow and look forward to seeing another application after some intense therapy.

Wal*Mart Cheer
Give me a W!
Give me an A!
Give me an L!
Give me a squiggly!
Give me an M!
Give me an A!
Give me an R!
Give me a T!

What's that spell?
Whose Walmart is it?
It's my Walmart!
Who's number one?
The customer! Always!

Again Thank You for thinking Wal*Mart!


Anonymous said...

Dear Adolf Hitler,

I regret to inform you that your application to become a teacher at PGSS has been declined for a few different reasons. First of all, you have never been a teacher previously, nor have you ever taken any courses required for teaching. Secondly, you have a criminal record in Germany for Treason. Lastly, this whole business of the “Aryan Race ruling the world” and “Jews trying to take over the world so they must cease to exist” thing are not ideals that we aspire to have in one of our high school teachers.

Yours Truly, D. B.

Anonymous said...

Adolf Hitler,
Thank you for applying to Zellers as a cashier. We are sorry to inform you that you do not meet our application requirements. First of all we do not except people with a criminal record. Being that you were part of the Beer Hall Putsch in 1923 and were sentenced to go to prison you automatically do not meet our requirements. At Zellers we believe in equality of all people, no matter what your race may be. During your interviewed you described that the German race was superior to all others and your race had a duty to control the world. You also stated that your pure Aryan, German, race was threatened in particular by the Jewish race. Furthermore, you described the Jews as lazy and as lacking in contributions to world civilization. The head manager at Zellers is Jewish and I mean to inform you he does not see the usefulness in hiring someone who is an extreme racist who would only hinder the company.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Adolf Hitler,
I to inform you that you will not be receiving your applied for job in the steel fabricating industry. We are urged to thoroughly go over every backgroud check that comes in to our company before hiring. I could not help but notice you have been arrested for being apart of the Beer Hall Putsch.
Thank you for your application and good luck with future endevors.
Head of Management


Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Hitler,
We greatly appreciate your interest in our opening for a cashier at Shopper’s Drug Mart, but it is with our sincere apologies that we are going to have to decline your application. We have thoroughly looked through your background and history and, while we do not wish to judge too harshly, we feel as a company that your ideals and beliefs are just not compatible with our services, let alone our society. Upon our research, we discovered that you have a history of offences and believe yourself to be far superior then everybody else, especially the Jewish people. While you are entitled to your own beliefs, we do not feel that this ideal suits the atmosphere we wish to have in our stores. We fear it may offend most of our customers and make many of them uncomfortable as we have a very diverse amount of people that walk through our doors.


Anonymous said...

Adolf Hitler,
I regret to inform that your application for the position of youth counselor in The Orphanage of Jewish Children has been denied. Having conducted an extensive back ground check on yourself, I have discovered some rather disturbing ideals and actions in your history. In 1923 you were sentenced to five years in prison on charges of treason for taking part in the Beer Hall Putsch. We do not accept applicants who possess a criminal record of any kind. Furthermore, I was rather disturbed by the content of your book "Mein Kampf". If you in fact believe yourself to be superior to the Jews then I am afraid you will not be suited for this job. Your discrimination against them leads me to believe that you are applying for this position for the wrong reasons. Thank you for your application but I'm afraid you are not suited for this position.


Anonymous said...

Dear Mr Hitler

Mr Hitler your application here at True Jew Taxi service has been processed. We here at true jew are happy to know that you have jewish heritage in your blood. Your Grandmother was a very dear employee of ours. Your qualifications match the person we are looking for perfectly. We would be honored if you accept our job proposal as Taxi Maintenance worker. As part of your job your perks your personal army will get a discount.

Thank You for your interest.

lewy007 said...

Dear Mr.Hitler,
I regret to inform you that your application for the assistant manager at the parkwood location Red Robbins has been declined. It has come to my attention that you have previously been arrested and charged with treason for the attempted, and failed Beer Putsch. Although it is admirable that you got out of such a dispute without having the death sentece carried out, the idea of you trying to overthrow the government is one that is whos to say you won't attempt the same events with our management (me). Assistant manager is just too close of a call for you to be apart of at this establishment. Good luck in your future endevers.
R.R Management


Anonymous said...

Dear Mr Hitler:
I have read your through your application for your position of a police officer, I am sad to say that I can not grant your with the position. I know that you were arrested once under the charge of treason for starting the Beer Hall Putch and were sent to Jail for five years. I can not hire you due to your criminal background. I also worry about your true intention for applying for the position. I have read your "Mein Kampf" and I was shocked by the cruel and violent contents of it. It is a book full of hatred and prejudice toward the Jewish population. I worry that if I give you the position, you may abuse your power and cause trouble in the German-Jewish group. It is clear to me that you are not a mentally stabled man, as a result, I have contacted the Psychological Institution to report your illness. You can expect a visit from him in few days. I sincerely hope that repeated shock therapy can cure you of the mental disease. If not, I will do my best to pursue the hospital to put you out of your misery in the most humane way.
Sincerely yours,

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr Hitler:
I have read through your application for your position of a police officer, I am sad to say that I can not grant your with the position. I know that you were arrested once under the charge of treason for starting the Beer Hall Putch and were sent to Jail for five years. I can not hire you due to your criminal background. I also worry about your true intention for applying for the position. I have read your "Mein Kampf" and I was shocked by the cruel and violent contents of it. It is a book full of hatred and prejudice toward the Jewish population. I worry that if I give you the position, you may abuse your power and cause trouble in the German-Jewish group. It is clear to me that you are not a mentally stabled man, as a result, I have contacted the Psychological Institution to report your illness. You can expect a visit from the institution in a few days. I sincerely hope that repeated shock therapy can cure you of the mental disease. If not, I will do my best to pursue the hospital to put you out of your misery in the most humane way.
Sincerely yours,

Anonymous said...

Dear Adolf Hitler,

Thank you for applying at Costco. We have looked over your application and are sad to inform you that you have not been accepted. As head of management, I am required to do a background check on you. We do background checks on all our applicants and yours did not come back clean. I couldn't help but notice in your book that you believe the Aryan race is superior; Costco strongly believes in equality for all our workers and does not want any problems with that. I feel that you would not fit well with our company due to your charges and we do not hire anyone with a criminal record.

Thank you for your interest.

Head of management
