Friday, February 24, 2012
Life Under Mussolini
Mussolini believe that the people were there to serve the state and therefore himself. Through a systematic plan of restricting civil liberties, intimidation, violence, political manipulation and brainwashing he was able to gain control over Italy and exert complete control over the nation for nearly twenty years.
While Mussolini's control may have appeared absolute we know that not everyone was a believer in his methods life did not get bad enough for most people to rebel against him until World War II. The question then becomes what was life like under Mussolini.
Task: Explore the following website on what Italian life was like under Fascist rule. Then leave a comment on this site from the point of view of an Italian citizen in the 1930's discussing how Mussolini's rule has affected your life. (Imagine writing a letter to the editor or to a relative) Be sure to leave your initials on your post so I can give you credit for it.
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Hello Grandmother,
Life is the same over here in Italy, Mussolini is still in control. School is the same everyday as I'm training to become a warrior. Here in school we were taught that fighting is natural as a boy and the same goes for girls that being pregnant is natural. We all obey who is in charge and is the leader, and in my case that leader would be Mussolini. He of course was the only man who could lead us back to greatness in Italy. Now I'm not too sure to believe him but if I ever were to protest against him or his ideas I would be dealt with harshly. My new class is part of the Balilla. It was kind of neat as I now take part in semi-military exercises, mainly on marching and using imitation guns. Changing classes means that I now have a much stricter dress code as it is fairly simple. I get up in the morning wash my face and put on the same black shirt, black cap, shorts and grey socks. The same routine five days a week. It's nice to get a little of a break on the weekends and see Mussolini working hard on the fields, as that is what he wants us to think. Anyways I will talk to you in the future and who knows who will be in control of Italy.
Life under Mussolini was great for my family and i. Mussolini was different then the other dictators, he backed up us, the factory owners. As well for Mussolini he encourage many women to have birth, if you have children you have better taxes, if not you get charged more. This was a positive side for my family and i we have 13 children, majority of all boys who are going school because of him. N.A
Life in Italy has gone down-hill. The suppression of our rights has affected us all, but it is because of this why the ideology of Mussolini is a contradiction. It is believed that we workers and management correspond together for greater production, when our rights have been abolished by the state. Thus the state controls our production, not only that but the assertion of women to make many children is stressful on all us working men. The single, working men have been hit with high taxation, when people with children get drastic benefits. Is that not manipulation? -L.L
My life under Mussolini improved for women and myself all over Italy. I have become much more independent and Mussolini helped me get on my feet again, he is the reason that women including myself found medical advice through all stages of their pregnancy, even after my baby was born. Because of Mussolini needy mothers have been given dispensed clothing as well. This has helped my life very much and I am very thankful for Mussolini or I would still be living in poverty. When my daughter got old enough her and I saw pamphlets prepared by women of Padua giving advice on how to be a good servant in private homes, which is where I have gotten my first stable job. When my daughter was enrolled in school around the age of eight; she was even given physical education which imitated the actions of farmer hoeing and sailor rowing. So I believe that life under Fascism has improved my life for the better.
I am not sure about this new leader Mussolini, he has made us read these bizarre books that he is sure it is for our benefit. I do not know if that is true but I will believe him because he is our leader. We are also to do these odd after school youth movements. I am at the age of 15 so I go into something called Avanguardista, in here we are to wear a black shirt, black cap, Knickerbockers, and grey socks. I will never understand any of the things that are going on but I will do as I am told even if I do not like doing all these bizarre things. I will also follow Mussolini because he is our leader, I will fight for Italy because I was told that it was just an extension of the male lifestyle. The younger boys that take part of the Balilla do a semi-military exercises to prepare them for defending their life. But we all follow Mussolini because he knows right and he is our leader.
I am not sure about this new leader Mussolini, he has made us read these bizarre books that he is sure it is for our benefit. I do not know if that is true but I will believe him because he is our leader. We are also to do these odd after school youth movements. I am at the age of 15 so I go into something called Avanguardista, in here we are to wear a black shirt, black cap, Knickerbockers, and grey socks. I will never understand any of the things that are going on but I will do as I am told even if I do not like doing all these bizarre things. I will also follow Mussolini because he is our leader, I will fight for Italy because I was told that it was just an extension of the male lifestyle. The younger boys that take part of the Balilla do a semi-military exercises to prepare them for defending their life. But we all follow Mussolini because he knows right and he is our leader. C.M
this is sick. musolini's a boss
I have heard that this wasn’t always what life was. I have heard that times had been different. These are only whispers heard in alley ways far from the blackshirts. My life goal is to have children. That is what I am for. Nothing less, nothing more. 5 is the goal; the goal of every woman, the goal set by Mussolini. I would love nothing less than to not have children. I would love to devote myself to something greater. The best I can do is volunteer at the organizations for new mothers who need assistance. Boys are taught to fight, that fighting is there nature. They are taught to be soldiers. To fight wars. From my window I can see the Balilla doing there exercises. Boys march around as if soldiers, hold guns, act years older. While there conditions are harsh, they love it. In schools we are taught that Mussolini is the only man who can lead Italy back to greatness; the greatness of the Roman Empire. Whilst I feel in my soul I disagree, I shall never speak my doubts. These shall remain a burnt page, a lost thought in the shadows of what Italy has become.
this is sick. musolini's a boss
Life is good for women like us. Life is much easier now as we are now getting support from family. I can now express my affection with my husband with out worrying about having too much children. The government will help us to raise the children. I nolonger worry about raising my children as they are at school or in youth camp most of the time. They almost never get sick as they are constantly exercising in the youth camp.
Hello I am young girl of only 10 years growing up in Italy under Mussolini's Fascist dictatorship. I have many siblings because more children bring better tax privileges. My parents tell me since Mussolini came to rule people have less control over their personal lives and the State controls as much as it can. Being so young when Mussolini came to power I notice little difference of how much the government controls. Mussolini has put a lot of development into the educational systems. My parents encourage me to obey the government and embrace what they tell me because if I don’t there will be consequences. Our neighbor was an anti-Fascist so he and his family quickly left Italy for their own safety. I have heard of people who speak out against the government and are never seen again. My parents tell me the Blackshirts deal with the people who are not loyal to Mussolini. How they deal with them my parents do not tell me. Under Mussolini’s rule the fear shown in my parents’ faces is even visible to me.
Life in fascist Italy was great for me and my family. We were all employed with well playing jobs in order to serve my state. My family was encouraged to expand in size to help with taxes and future workers. I love my state and I love to serve the El Duce he will take us back to the glory of the Roman Empire. jp
Life in Italy has become one dimensional; war, conquest, victory…everything going into the dominance of others. In a way, we have been provided with a sort of consistency. We always know what we are to be doing and why we should be doing it. The men are to work and always be willing to sacrifice themselves for the sake of the nation, while we women are to be good mothers and produce plenty of children, also for the nation’s image. My children are encouraged to learn to fight for things that I’m not entirely sure I would want them fighting for, but speaking about that openly would not be one of the best ideas. Although we do still have the ability to live our lives in peace, I can’t bring myself to agree with the methods used in bringing this to us. I feel things are more fearful towards Mussolini than they are respectful.
Life under Mussolini has been great. Although I am still young Mussolini shows great promise for our future. I have been training to fight a lot in school lately but other than that I still get a normal education. I also have six new brothers and sisters. I am excited to have them since I don’t have much of a family. Mussolini has also made a lot of new magazines and comics which have lots of violence in them and they are always exciting to read. I know that one day I’ll have to fight for Italy and when I do I’ll be ready thanks to our all-powerful leader. When I get a little older and I join the military I would like to fly a jet fighter just like the man in my comic and be a hero for my nation.
Living life under fascism in Italy has positive outcomes for me and my family. Everyone is encouraged to work hard and be the best they can and no one is unemployed. My family is encouraged to grow so that we could be hard workers in the future and help with taxes. I like that at school I am educated and encouraged to become a great strong soldier for my country. I am taught that fighting and violence is normal and a way of my male lifestyle. Mussolini is a very powerful man, he is the only one he can lead Italy back to greatness. I would never speak out against Mussolini or argue against his ideas. I feel as if overall fascism has improved life in Italy for the better.
Here in Italy life is truly spectacular Mussolini is a great leader. Mr. Mussolini has informed us that if you are rich then you will remain rich. He in no way shape or form believe's in communism. For a while there I was actually pretty scared that he would try to stir communism in Italy. Hey Grandma if you remember the swet shop in my basement it is running very well the slaves are getting kind of old though. The other day I saw Mr Mussolini in town he was trying to to help with some construction work. As soon as he took off his shirt it made me feel like im not the only fat ugly guy on the block. Well Grandpa I will talk to you later long live fascism!!
Life in Italy has greatly increased. Where we miss out on quality of life by losing some of our rights, we are well compensated with a higher standard of living. I am encouraged to expand my family to help with stateb taxes and my boys are given the oppurtunity to go to school that I could never provide for them before. I am a proud Italian nationalist who is more than happy to serve his state and Il Duce. I believe Mussolini will bring us Mare Nostrum and we are the present embodiment of the great Roman Empire.
Life in Italy is horrible. I feel that I have no control over my life anymore. Every day I am being told what to do and I am just tired of doing nothing for myself. I feel that someone is always watching me and waiting for me to make a mistake and take me away. I miss the times when Mussolini wasn’t in charge and the first priority wasn’t going to war. I want to live my own life an do what I want to do and not what someone tells me to. Throughout this whole experience, even since Mussolini came into charge I just feel that we aren’t living the life we want to and I wish I could leave.
The quality of life has greatly decreases. We have little control over our own lives. The state is controlling every possible aspect, and if we were to oppose, we would be severely punished. I have heard of a few people who were tied to trees and forced to swallow a pint of castor oil. I couldn’t imagine anyone who would even begin to decide to speak out against Mussolini. My sons are being taught that fighting is the answer and Mussolini is the only man who can lead Italy back to greatness. What kind of schools are they running? Mussolini has taken over all control of us – the workers. He has a few labour intensive schemes to which he hopes our economy will boost. I don’t believe them to work out as we simply do not have the industry to support such an economy.
- B.P
Under Mussolini and his Fascism life for myself and other woman would have been improved. It would have been easy to turn a blind eye to all the dark things Mussolini was doing from being too focused on all of the good going on in women’s own lives. There were organizations for the protection of needy mothers and infants which gave out clothing and medical advice before, during and after childbirth which is almost better than the organizations we have today for underprivileged woman. Also the rights and benefits of women chiefly employed as domestic help, were outlined in a publication of the national Fascist institute for social welfare. Giving suggested pension rates for future employers. Under Fascism woman received training and support for their workplace and their home life. If I were to only see this part of Mussolini I would definitely thought him to be a positive man. There is no wonder why he got away with so much (in the sight of women) when he improved the life of a group who has been undermined throughout history.
Things have really changed in the past couple of years since Mussolini has taken power. At school we have to wear uniforms now. Because I am a member of the Balilla I am required to wear a black shirt, black cap, shorts, and grey socks every day to school. All of our class rooms have a picture of Mussolini at the front and now we are all learning about how the great days of modern Italy began in 1922 with the March on Rome. I don’t think my parents are happy about the changes but they don’t say anything out loud. They just tell me to do what I’m told. At least three times a week all of the Balilla are required to participate in military exercises using fake guns. We are told that we are getting prepared to fight for the glory of Italy. We are also required to refer to Mussolini as “Il Duce” which I often forget. I wonder if life will ever return to normal where we will be able to read other books besides Rome: Libreria del Littorio. For now I must do as I am told and everything will be okay. At least that is what my parents say.
I’m not entirely sure whether or not my life has gotten better or worse under Mussolini’s rule. Before I had all of these rights that were wonderful, but, as he sees them as useless, I no longer have those rights. Like Freedom of Speech. Before, I could say whatever I wanted. Now if I say something wrong, I could be punished. Severely.
D. B.
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